Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Horror of God Belief

Sometimes, days are from Hell. This week seems to be the case.

Christians and Muslims are saying some basically obscene things about God.

Think about this blasphemous statement:"But it is going exactly the way God planned it."


God planned for millions of little children to be raped, abused, murdered...

God planned for the countless slaughters going on now around the world, for the beheading, burning, torturing, raping...

God planned the Jewish Holocaust and the other 4 million non-Jews who died in the Concentration Camps...

The Great War, 10 million dead in the trenches alone...

The U.S.and English Civil Wars...

The Taiping Rebellion...

The 30 Years War...

The Black Death...

The Crusades...

The prophet Muhammad at 50 years of age marrying a 9-year-old girl and beheading 500-900 Jewish young men...

Oh but life "is going exactly the way God planned it."

God planned the tsunami that slaughtered 250,000 Asians in only a few hours a few years ago?

God planned the killing of the little Jewish infant by a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem several months ago?

God planned every cancer?

God planned every infant born with anencephaly?

God planned every elderly person suffering from severe alzheimer's?


Hoping for the Light in this religious world of darkness,

Daniel Wilcox

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