Thursday, January 5, 2023

'It is the Daftest of Times...

January 2023: "It is the daftest of times, it is the worst of times, it is the age of irrationalism, it is the age of foolishness, it is the epoch of beliefism, it is the epoch of incredulity,
it is the season of moral decay,

it is the season of darkness, it is the spring of delusion, it is the winter of despair,

most drown in disinformation before us, most swallow huge lies all around us, we are all going direct to disorder,we are all going to hades on earth...

--in short, the present period of the 21st century is so far like the previous centuries of 'humanUnkind' that all of its noisiest extremists insist on its being promoted..."

Charles Lykins, A Tale of 2 Hyped Nations--America and Russia

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