Sunday, August 25, 2024

when both U.S. Political Conventions promote immoral--unjust agendas, Remember at a similar chaotic time, Fox spoke forth the LIGHT

When at least 100,000 humans have been slaughtered in the last few years, both U.S. Parties' 2024 Conventions promote immoral--unjust agendas, claim that what is first is America--
Remember at a similar chaotic tragic time, George Fox experienced a transcendent encounter and spoke forth the LIGHT!

At that horrid time in human history, events were far worse than our tragic, horrid present. The 30 YEARS WAR, the English UnCIVIL WAR, etc.

YET at that time, HOPE despite the terror and oppresion, arose.

To be continued...

In the True, the Good, the Just,

Daniel Wilcox

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