MY RSPONSE TO “After Francis: What’s Next in the Vatican?”
By Professor Phillip Jenkins
a Christian site, which DELETED my comment.
So strange that such Christian sites won’t post comments that
support NT moral truths:_(
Your article oddly states, "...divorce, abortion, clerical celibacy, homosexuality, and same sex marriage, with transgender issues rising on the horizon. A good Pope will change church stances on those things, a bad pope won’t, end of story. Onward to the Third Vatican Council!."
Well, changing back "clerical celibacy" to what Christianity originally supported, would be a powerfully good, true action.
But all of those other topics are not only contrary to the New Testament moral truths of Jesus, some of them are scientifically wrong.
For instance, biologically there are only 2 sexual genders, man or woman. Check out for instance, Professor Jerry Coyne of the University of Chicago and Richard Dawkins' many recent articles and book.
While it is sad that a few humans do have gender dysphoria, there are no nonbinary humans, no individuals with a penis, etc. who are women, no individuals who have ovaries and a womb who are men.
The immoral actions of abortion and divorce have become rampant in modern society. Abortion (except in obvious tragic biological errors such as tubular pregnancy) is the killing of human lives.
Divorce was condemned by Jesus. Yet many Christian couples divorce causing hardship, sorrow, and, often, severe problems for their children.
Strangely, divorce has become so bad, that now Protestant Christians in some surveys actually have more divorces than non-religious individuals.
Jesus weeps.
In the LIGHT,
Daniel Wilcox
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